Sister Mica Vazquez



1) Tell us about your growing up years and family

    I am from a family originally from one of the communities of Palenque. Of four sisters and three brothers. I am the second daughter.  I migrated from my community to Palenque when I joined the sisters.

    2) Please share a favorite story about your early community service.

      Before joining the congregation, I was already collaborating in one of the pastoral areas, the women’s area and in catechesis. I knew most of the communities of the parish. Being in formation with the sisters, my first ministry contact has been in the area of Deacons with their wives and Indian Theology.

      3) Why did you enter religious life (Sisters) or choose the Franciscan community (Associates)?

      I met the sisters at an early age, when I was twelve years old. I was struck by the presence of one of the sisters (Consuelo) in my community, she came to animate the women’s group and in their celebrations. At that time I did not understand her work, but as time went by I discovered that she had a life option. When I was fourteen years old I came to ask together with the catechist of my community because he was bringing his daughters to see if they would accept us to stay with the sisters. But Sister Consuelo did not accept us because we were too young. She told us that if we still had the same concern, we should go back and ask. I returned to my community and joined the group of the women’s area and in that pastoral area Sister Consuelo was accompanying me and I continued in communication and in contact with the sisters. 

      When I was 18 years old, I returned again, but I was ready to start working with the sisters.

      4) Where do you live now and how do you share your Franciscan values, lifestyle and spirituality*?

      I share them from prayer, experience of God in community life, and ministry in service with some of the pastoral areas.

      5) What would you most like others to know about you and the Franciscan community?

      I am a joyful person and enthusiastic about life.

      6) One of your favorite quotes from St. Francis, St. Clare, Mother Magdalene, or a Bible verse, poem or other words that you find inspirational

      I really like the one from Francis: May our life speak for itself of the Gospel, may it taste like the Gospel, may it give off the pleasant smell of the Gospel. And if necessary, use words to give an account of our faith and of the marvels that God has done and is doing in us

      When did you enter religious life or become an associate?

      I joined the sisters on January 6, 1998.

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