
"We are strong and resilient, holding the tension in the increasing complexity and chaos of our world."

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Continuing the early history of the St. Francis Province, a large part of our work today occurs through prayer and living in solidarity, with our earth home and with immigrants, impoverished communities, and others who are marginalized. These efforts have a broad and diverse expression.

You can learn more about prayer practices here (click on image):

It's Time for a Franciscan Renaissance!

Because of our diverse ministries, prayer is richer and the desire to strengthen relationships is foundational. You are welcome to join us through various Franciscan practices and Care for Our Common Home (click on images).

As part of our Franciscan Renaissance, we are sharing books to provoke deeper thinking and action. Here's our first Book Review (click on image) with more to come... If you'd like to share a book review, please do!

Book Review